Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Florida Master Naturalist Classes Being Held in 2011

Do you want to learn more about native Florida?  Do you wish you could go on all the fun trips that the kids normally get to experience?  Are you looking for CEU’s or In-Service Credits?  Do you just want to get outside and have some fun?  Florida Master Naturalist Program classes are online for registration in Brevard County at Riverwalk: A Family Park.  Explore rare coastal hammocks, paddle through area wetlands, poke around at the life teeming under the Indian River Lagoon, and much, much more.  
Get 40 contact hours of classroom and field experience exploring Florida ecosystems.  Class fees include all trip costs, a 1,000+ page student book filled with information, a Master Naturalist patch, pin, and certificate.  Successful graduates are also registered into the UF/IFAS Master Naturalist database as a certified Master Naturalist in each module’s area of study. 
The Wetlands module starts February 5th, while the Coastal Module begins April 2nd.  Each module runs for 7 Saturdays.  The cost is $225 per person.  Come join us for your favorite module or experience more of what Florida has to offer by taking both.  Create some great memories while meeting new people and learn a little something in the process. 
Go to www.MasterNaturalist.org for more information and to register today.  Registration closes one week before the first class of each module.  Contact the primary instructor, Brandon Smith, at riverwalk@brevardparks.com or 321-433-4490 with any specific questions.